Optimizing High Strain Rate Tests
High-rate test systems need to conduct dynamic tests at the correct strain rate, and capture high-quality data during a short timeframe. To meet these challenges, MTS delivers a family of high-rate testing solutions that include the following features and components:
Heavy-duty load frames
Rigid load reaction frames minimize signal distortion caused by unwanted vibrations, which are common in high-velocity testing applications.
High-rate actuators
The system actuators feature relatively low mass while retaining sufficient stiffness for high-rate compression tests.
Load measurement
The piezoelectric load measurement transducers used in MTS high-rate systems are stiffer and have less mass than conventional strain gage-based load cells, which are too elastic for high rate testing.
Displacement measurement
Actuator displacement is measured with a magnetostrictive device that provides exceptional accuracy.
Data acquisition
Data acquisition boards feature eight channels of differential signal acquisition up to 1.25 megahertz. One channel is dedicated to transducer data, one to actuator displacement and six to other sources as test needs dictate.
MTS can also assist with system configuration. To create a system that accurately simulates dynamic impact events, we consider the requirements for kinetic energy, strain rate and force at velocity. Then we use a complex modeling process that balances all these considerations to design a high-rate system that can properly characterize the dynamic response. MTS has developed special software programs to configure the optimum solution for the required system performance, and can help you meet your specific testing needs.
Contact MTS today to learn more about our solutions for high-rate dynamic testing.